The Big Five for Life. John P Strelecky
244 pages | 7 Mb
- The Big Five for Life
- John P Strelecky
- Page: 244
- Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
- Publisher: Aspen Light Publishing
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This book will inspire you. It will change your life in ways you can’t know now, but you’ll understand completely once you’re done reading it. It will also forever enhance the way you look at your role as a leader. That includes the way you lead at home, at work, in your community...and especially the way you lead you. At every given moment we are all called to be leaders. If for no other purpose than to lead ourselves. After all, someone has ...
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Big Five for Life Deutschland presents Nicht Steve Jobs, aber Thomas Derale - Das Geheimnis der erfolgreichsten Unternehmerpersönlichkeit -- Wednesday,
The Big Five for Life: Leadership's Greatest Secret - John Strelecky
Meet a Great LeaderNo matter who you are or how many people you've led, this book will forever enhance the way you think about leadership.
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The Big Five for Life, szerző: Strelecky, John P., Kategória: Management, Ár: 3 593 Ft.
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